Summer is almost here!!!! For most of us that means excitement, excitement for break. For school bus drivers it can be mixed emotions. For one we so happy to have a break from those "problem" children, or better yet..... If they've moved up a grade and they're no longer on our bus/route.
I realize this picture is for Spring break, but trust me it applies to summers too!!!!
However, there are those students that you have had for several years, they are so sweet, and you actually look forward to / enjoy having them on your bus/route everyday. These are the ones that are hard to say goodbye to. It's sad knowing that you will no longer see them daily, or get the opportunity to watch them yearly growing into amazing young adults.
If you work in a transportation office. Then your gathering paperwork for a state report, or for those all too familiar summer school routes. All the while very excited about not having as many buses running, fewer call in's, and having a quieter facility. The biggest perk is that there's not as many drivers standing at the counters ( you know who you are). Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face. The call in's, the late drivers all this slows down in the summers, and it's not quite so stressful.
For me summer means
TAPT conference, and getting away from the office (& my four boys ) for about a week. What's TAPT all about??? It's amazing!!!! It's an opportunity for us to take classes, and to learn all kinds of information from our peers, a trade show, and of course there's the

Yes, there is actually a school bus road-e-o. Schools from around the state of Texas have had competitions and each of their regions to determine the first, second, and third place winners.Then the top three are allowed to participate in the
state rodeo, and of course there's a banquet to announce the winner of the road-e-o. This year the the everything is planned to take place in Dallas. I'm signed up for two classes, one of which is being taught by Charlie Kennington.
As excited as I am about all of this, I must admit that the most exciting thing to me i the fact that I'm about to be able to say "
School's Out for Summer"
Hey this is just a thought....... If you're looking for a gift idea for a bus driver. Maybe for a end of the year party, or you just have a special driver you want to reward. Check out this